Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Beautiful cloudy day….
River was lazily finding its way….
Enjoying the nature, I saw her sway…

Cool breeze caressed her curly hair…
Water that touched her feet took at most care…
The sun wanted to admire her…but could never dare…

I slowly took a few steps towards her….
She looked at me blinking her eyes like a deer…
She was the god’s best creature, nothing near…

I put my hand around her waist..
Her moist lips forcing me to taste…
Those were the moments at its best….

I was on my  knees,I love you dear…can we be wed…
Sure, only if you don’t mind marrying  a dead…
Shaken from my dream, Screaming, I jumped out of my bed..

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Live Alive.....

Life is not just a walk in the cake..
It shapes just the way we make....

Winning and losing comes with the risks we take...
don't let any of these worries let you shake...

Along your way people may make and break...
Live and love, not just for the sake...

life can never be just a calm lake...
its an ocean with huge tides to keep you awake...

Turn back to see, what's your stake...
He is there to judge,
then to whom do you fake...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thank you dear...

Over those beautiful passing clouds….
Hiding from the sun I shout aloud…
Thanks for knowing my every move…
For showering the world’s best love..
My face glittered only cuz you added a  sweet smile…
You never let me alone or sad, not even a while…
How do I say what those  precious moments meant…
Holding your hand ,from dawn to dusk ,all the time I spent…
I want to thank and say how much I love you dear…
God was jealous, he said,” my kid you better come here..
I am the only blessed soul to get you as a boon…
Where on earth did I know I will have to leave you so soon…

Heart that Hurts.....

“I love you ” please don’t tell..

It is nothing but another hell…

No one ever loves from heart…

It’s a game where heart is just a dart…

Don’t cry for love, its never worth…

It’s a trap where you are only  hurt…

To get everything…then love is in the air…

To give something, then, no its not fair…

Love these only from brains…

Don’t you dare try…it only drains…

Never give up what you loved to do…

In search of love…which is never true….